Caleb Neelon/SONIK

Artist and writer based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I've been painting outdoors since about 1992, first via graffiti. I got my inspiration to do what I do when I was 13; my mother took me to see the graffiti and mural-drenched Berlin Wall, newly permeable, in February of 1990. Art had won, and I loved it. Over the years, I've kept the graffiti name Sonik, but I've expanded what I do to include projects with kids, street installations, public sculptures, childrens' books, gallery work, photography, articles for print, and whatever else strikes me as interesting at the time.

While I do my best to seek out interesting new projects and to work on my own, many of my most rewarding experiences have come from tips, leads, and total cold-calls from others. If you know of a project that would be a good match for me - and I am always interested in the new, the interdisciplinary, and the unusual - please don't hestitate to .
