Bara Swain, "Emerald Philodendron"

Bara Swain’s prose appears in the recently released anthology, Love Is Ageless: Stories about Alzheimer's and Long Shot Magazine's’20th Anniversary Issue. She is the recipientof a dozen writing grants for new plays and fiction from the American Museum of Natural History.  Bara's award-winning plays have been performed in NY, Missouri, NJ, Tennessee and Iowa.  Venues include the Dubuque Fine Art Players National One-Act Play Festival, Tennessee Williams Ten-Minute Play Festival, Drop Your Shorts Play Festival and the Lamia Ink International One-Page Play Festival. Bara's short prose also appears on the web at Stickman Review, Moxie Magazine, Pulse, Riverbabble and Tattoo Highway. She is the Dorsal Editor at Doorknobs &BodyPaint (

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