Molly Likovich weird sisters after olivia gatwood i call myself angry first and bitch second so these men know exactly what i’m bringing to the table. a 23-year-old girl. with breasts big enough and height short enough that i look kid enough to still seem manic and pixie and dream and just youthfully and wrongfully fuckable enough to also be girl. there is power in girlhood. ‘girl’ means to exist in blood. so here’s to the witches. here’s to the coven meetings held over mother’s dinner plates. here’s to staining bedsheets. here’s to my favorite female poets proving reincarnation because no matter what thread we follow, a girlhood lineage traces back to a witch hunt. here’s to the catholic altars we abandoned for kitchen counters. and to all the boys who called me pretty to try and smack me red–i am a warning sign passed down from centuries of john proctors. i am made of forests and grave- yards. i smoke weed when i inhabit a couch that belongs to a sister in the city of angels. i see my wedding taking place over a tomb- stone and i buried my first child in a bathroom. i was made wrist-bloody by a boy who called me different and the news told me men get to equate investigations into treason with women being burned on stakes for speaking. there's a trickery in our bones they couldn’t burn away. theres a sage spell in our crazy. so we call ourselves angry bitch before they can bare teeth. we mark our territory with menstrual blood before they can find a match. and i darken into the pretty monster i’ve made of myself. i stopped screaming alone in my car and started screaming in their faces when they tried to touch me and call it love. i bite and bark and don’t care which ex-lover will tell it worse. i am night skies and bloody knuckles. i am a cracked shot glass on a rotting table. i am a water sign and witch #1. i am grown from the punching bag of male hands. i am the thane of cawdor, thane of glamis and all hail the lady that came before macbeth, because today i am king and you boys–the sows. blood existence in thunder, lightning or in rain. so when you hit me, call me an angry bitch–i smile red. i say thank you. thank you, very much. |